Suzy Davies AM has signed up to Child Rescue Alert at an event hosted in Wales by Dr Kay Swinburne MEP and the charity Missing People, and is urging others to come on board as well.
The Child Rescue Alert is part of the Europe-wide Amber Alert system which exists to spread details of missing children whose lives are thought to be in danger as quickly as possible via phones, apps, social media and business networks, as well as traditional news channels.
One of the first times it was used was in the tragic case of Welsh schoolgirl April Jones. Since then the system has been enhanced and over 315000 members of the public have signed up to receive alerts. On that occasion April could not be saved, but the child alerting systems around the world have been credited with locating children and saving lives on a regular basis. April’s parents, Coral and Paul, are ambassadors for the charity and spoke movingly at the event.
Speaking at the event, Coral Jones said, "We’re pleased to join Dr Kay Swinburne MEP and her guests this evening to promote Child Rescue Alert in Wales. Today, we’re asking everyone to sign up to Child Rescue Alerts to help ensure no other parents experience the pain we feel as a result of the tragic ending to the search for our daughter April. With your help we can make sure the next time a child is taken or in danger we can bring them home safely."
Dr Kay Swinburne MEP said, “I too am delighted to support this campaign and would encourage more people throughout Wales to sign up as soon as possible.
“The more individuals, charities and businesses that sign up to this system the better as the wider the network the more likely it will be that high risk missing children can be found quickly and reunited with their family.”
The campaign is backed in Wales by a number of organisations including Admiral Insurance and the Western Mail.
Suzy Davies said: "The Child Rescue Alert system aims to help save more children's lives. However, the more support that we can get for this the better.
“Ultimately I would like to see every smart phone and tablet in Wales with the app installed.
"People can sign up themselves so that they will be one of the individuals alerted when a child is in danger – and they can send on the message to their network of contacts by text and social media.
"Companies, organisations, clubs and schools can all get involved too. The more people signed up, the quicker information can get out, the more children we may save."
Craig Lawton, who is standing for the Welsh Conservatives in Swansea West, has also signed up.
Mr Lawton said: “I have the app on my phone now and I would urge others to do the same.
“If a child or vulnerable person goes missing in the morning, it can sometimes be hours before the news reaches a Wales-wide audience on the news that evening.
“However with the Child Rescue Alert everyone who has installed it will be alerted as soon as possible and asked to keep an eye out or report anything suspicious they might see.”
You can sign up to receive Child Rescue Alert sms and emails from the website: childrescuealert.org.uk