Some data we receive from you will probably comprise personal data about you and may include sensitive personal data. The types of information we may collect about you will probably include your name, address and contact information and information about your ethnic origin, political opinions, and religious, philosophical and other beliefs. The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party and Swansea West Conservatives (“the data holders”) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation. The data holders will use the data we collect for the following purposes: (i) to improve our understanding of political life in the United Kingdom; (ii) to compile and provide anonymous statistics about voters in the United Kingdom; (iii) to facilitate our operation as a political party; (iv) contact you in the future by telephone, text or other means, even though you may be registered with the Telephone Preference Service, without asking for further permission. Your data will not be sold or given to anyone not connected to the Conservative Party.