27th January 2014 marke Holocaust Memorial Day, in which tributes and memorials were paid throughout the UK.
As well as those memorials carried out in Cardiff and London, Swansea West Conservatives also paid memory to those that have been persecuted, not because of what they have done but simply because of who they are.
Chairman Craig Lawton said "we must never forget the acts that took place during World War II to the millions of Jews and other minorities. However, it is important we remeber that genocide has taken many forms over the years, all of which are deplorable."
"Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Syria, to name just a few, have all experienced genocide as well however they are often thought of differently to the Holocaust; this should not be the case however."
"I have left me message for Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 and I would urge others to do the same so that we can take steps to stop these things happening again."
Leave your message on journeys.hmd.org.uk